Growing up by the coast and on the farm was a dream, who doesn't want to spend warm days by the beach and cool ones riding ponies through the forest. Childhood was a dream. High school was fun, but I sure knew I didn't want to more study after graduation, not right away at least.

Lucky for me I had an eye for photography and between work, snow seasons and travel I had the amazing opportunity to work with and be mentored by a beautiful photographer friend. It wasn't long before I started taking bookings of my own and so grew my photography business.

This was it!

Or so I thought, but only a few years in a realised, while loving so much of what I do,

this isn't giving me the freedom at all and recognised I was heading towards burnout fast. So I scaled back and decided I needed a regular job and some mental freedom for some soul searching, and figure out where I was headed next.

Then... Covid hit and like the rest of us, made me sit back and reassess what it truly was that I wanted from this crazy lifetime, and it sure as hell wasn't being booked out two years in advance or working 9 to 5 (0r 6:30am to 4pm) like I was at the time.

Okay, so onto the next plan…

I had always had the idea that I wanted to work FIFO. Hey, they have that work life balance thing, right? Week on, week off, that's great paying job only working half a year. So I took some summer months off to finally have that proper reset I had needed for years and put everything into my next move, FIFO.

I planned to stay for a year, not making any other life changes, save and see where my soul compass was pointing me AFTER that.

What's that quote they say…? Something along lines of....

Que plot twist…

In the past six months, my time there has brought me an abundance of incredible and life-changing experiences that have gone well beyond my expectations (and plans!)
Meeting my darling partner Sam, who has brought more love and adventure into a few short months than I ever thought possible.
I have gained some valuable life lessons and some amazing experiences I wouldn't have been able to get anywhere else. But all while still keeping me searching for the freedom my soul craves. This freedom encompasses the ability to truly be myself, to live life on my own terms, and to avoid being tied down to a specific time or location..

Sam and I, quickly realised we both had been daydreaming of a fulfilling life and big plans for the future.
While our income from fifo provided us with financial stability and loads of time together, not much of that time could be spent doing the things we really loved,
So instead of wasting my spare time on some quiet night shifts, I started searching for ways we could build the life we want with time AND financial freedom, and one slow night we found our Freedom Formula.

Well who ever it is you believe is up there, I'm sure he got quite the laugh out of me, as I quickly realised fifo wasn't going to offer me those freedoms I was after either.

A space that not only gives you the actual real life tools and step-by-step guide on how us everyday (day dreaming, heartstrong, wild) people can achieve this, but also the life changing mindset tools too. Something that the woo woo in me absolutely soaks up and thrives on.
~my book collection can confirm this for you...~
a woman with a work clothes and a picture of a woman with a red scarf
a woman with a work clothes and a picture of a woman with a red scarf

Now you know a little more about me, its time I get to meet you...

I want to get to know, where your headed and how I can help you get there
Send me a message, tell me how you like your spicy margaritas - on the beach at sunset, pool side, or laid up on a soft grassy patch with a nice view, don't love a spicy marg like I do? Maybe its a iced passionflower sweet tea, either way. This is all about going your own way
black blue and yellow textile
a woman's handwritten message that reads it's not a worda woman's handwritten message that reads it's not a word
a black and white photo of a black and white text that says, back toa black and white photo of a black and white text that says, back to