Activating Abundance - 10k Months with Regan Hillyer

Unlocking the 10k MRR Milestone: A Deep Dive into Regan Hillyer's Success Story Discover how Regan Hillyer achieved an astonishing $10,000 monthly recurring revenue (MRR) with the help of the MRR course. Join us as we delve into their journey, uncovering the strategies, tactics, and mindset that propelled them to such remarkable heights. From product development to marketing and sales, learn the essential steps to building a sustainable and profitable online business.


9/23/20243 min read

The course that changed my life…

Has pivoted, and now so must I.

While everything about that course stands true. It is currently not available.

And while this changes a lot of things for me, having a way to build passive income cannot.

I have learnt so much invaluable knowledge about building an online brand and business, as well as the mindset tools and shifts needed to truly believe it is possible for me to take the road less traveled and so I know I must pivot.

I wanted to find something I can truly get behind, and build passive income around that in some way offers value to myself and all those who take the course.

You see, my adventure to build passive income has been interestingly met with needing to take time off “work” and get my health back on the road again too.

There are so many women currently facing similar things to me, and while I am doing everything I can learn how to heal this, and then be able to share that knowledge to help others, it's so apparent to me that there are so many times in a woman's life that getting up and going to a regular job just doesn't give the space to heal and rest.

So we get stuck in these cycles of work, without the balance needed to let the body heal and recover.

Not to mention the costs of healthcare when it's considered “non essential”. Considered being the key word there. Anyone who has anything related to mental/hormonal/cycle related health challenges will tell you healing them feels more essential than anything else.

The system is broken. In more ways than one. Noone should have to choose between work/money and healing. And there are ways that we don’t, they just aren't seen as the norm.

Anyone who goes after more than the average life they sell us will tell you it’s the choice that we all really want.

The freedom to choose, in whatever way is aligned for you.

But I was never cut out for the norm anyways. I have always known that. And that's the reason I was looking. Again. And I found the next step. That ties so nicely into the work, both inner and on business, that I have been diving into.

And I guess that's maybe why you are here too. Ready to dive into the inner work, to start building your dream life? And add another income stream while you are there?

~Don't even get me started on the free bonuses included in this course!~

Next up, I’m sharing all the things I have been doing that have helped get my hormones back on track, from the mainstream, to the woo.

Because healing needs to come from the inside, and supplements and doctors can only help with so much.

And proves that having the freedom to choose, is so powerful.

Much love,

a woman's handwritten message that reads it's not a worda woman's handwritten message that reads it's not a word
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