A Love Letter | Changing Directions to Build Digital Income

Read a heartfelt love letter to my past clients expressing gratitude for our work together and learn about my new focus on building digital income with eco beauty products.


Emme Jade

3/22/20244 min read

An ~internet~ Love Letter to my past clients

This is a email I recently sent out to my beautiful past photography clients. But it was pretty heartfelt, and made me feel warm and fuzzy, so I decided to share it here too.


I hope this email finds you well.

It’s been a while between chats💞

Just a quick little note to let my beautiful clients know, I'm switching gears. And taking ‘Emme jade’ in a new direction and switching gears.

I wanted to let you know personally how amazing it has been to work with such beautiful photography clients over the years, and how much of a pleasure it was to captured so many precious memories for my clients.

It warms my heart endlessly, and nothing makes me happier than scrolling through social media seeing you share moments we captured that are so special and full of your favourite people, love and fun times, beautiful moments with growing families, and some pretty epic dancfloors!

I feel truly spoilt to have worked with the most lovely people, and to think one day generations from now will be looking back at the photos I took. What a gift!

Back to the switching gears part….Transitioning from photographer to fifo to building an online space we don’t need a holiday from . That’s where I'm heading, and would love to have you along for the adventure, either via good old web love letters (emails) or on my socials.

I owe so much to those that have helped me build such beauftuil photography business, and would love to have you along for the next chapter.

I share with you a little back story about how this photographer ended up in bum f**k Idaho (aka the Tanami desert) sweating it out and getting covered in dirt working on a vac truck, day dreaming about not having to give up every two weeks out of 4 to life a life that lights me up …

So we went looking for a way to build something with income not tied down to exchanging hours for pay….Check out the full back story here.

I know so many of my beautiful clients are Mummas, and Dads! And I know the feeling of leaving for work each day, or each swing. Missing the beautiful little moments ~ the first word, or steps ~ or the big ones like sports days and school concerts. We all know life can be a balancing act, of money circulating. And we need to be bringing it in somehow.

Something Sam and I know all too well. Nothing makes my heart hurt more than seeing him or his beautiful girls upset because we are stuck in a desert for their important things. And sometimes those important things are just cuddles while being tucked into bed. (Or one of Sam’s wild bedtime stories on the guitar. My favourite part of bedtime, that's for sure!)

But that balance comes in when we also want to all be living our best life and making the most of every second when we are home and all together.

So we went searching. And you know, we found something.

Something we can start to build, that really will give us all those freedoms we desire.

So if you are anything like me, and know there is more to life than the 9-5 grind they sell us.

Have a little look at the links below.

I share these with you, because in someway or another you have been an integral part of my story so far, and for that I an eternally grateful.

And to return the love, Im sharing this new adventure with you, incase you need one too. So if you feel a little tug from your intuition, check them out.

Or reach out, I'm always here for a chat.

From the bottom of my heart, Thankyou again.

All my love,

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